Being a mother means creating the future. Hence, it is necessary to take care of the unborn. It is a critical and difficult path to put one’s body through. Therefore, since time immemorial, yoga has been a helpful part of pregnancy which is why we have recommendations for yoga classes for pregnant ladies.
It might be tenuous and difficult to adjust to; however, yoga is such a form of exercise that can be modified to suit every body type and every age group.
First, here are a few yoga poses safe for pregnant ladies:
Yoga poses for pregnant ladies:
Prenatal yoga helps to stay active and find relief from some pregnancy discomfort. However make sure to always listen to your body, and focus mostly on gentle stretches and breathing exercises. Make sure to follow instructions from yoga classes for pregnant ladies.
1. Bitilasana
This pose helps in stretching the back and in improving spine mobility. It is great for all trimesters and is also called cat-cow pose.
- Keep your hands at a shoulder length and knees should be hip-width apart. Make sure they are aligned under your hip.
- Maintain a flat back.
- Breathe in while you arch your back a little, and broaden your collarbones.
- Open your chest a little by widening your shoulders.
- Hold the pose for as long as comfortable.
- Exhale as you return to a flat back.
2. Janu Sirasana
This helps in stimulating digestion, strengthening your back muscles, and relaxing. In short, it stretches your hips, back and legs.
- Extend your left leg, sitting at the edge of a cushion, sofa, etc.
- On the inner right thigh, place the left sole.
- Inhale slowly and join your hands over your head.
- Fold forward slightly and exhale. Lengthen the front of your torso
- Place your hands on the floor or place them on your body.
- Up till 1 minute, hold this position.
- Do the same with the right leg,
3. Upavishtha Konasana
This pose is said to help increase flexibility in your lower back, hips, and legs. It also helps build strength in your spine, lower back, and pelvis.
- Sit on the edge of a sofa, cushion, etc. for support. Allow your pelvis to tilt forward with your legs out to the side.
- Join your arms overhead.
- Bend at your hips as you bend forward.
- Take hold of your big toes or place your hands in front of you.
- Hold this position for 1 minute.
4. Baddha Konasana
This pose helps boost circulation, stimulate your digestive organs, and promote relaxation. It is also called butterfly stretch. It helps in improving flexibility in your lower back, hips, and inner thighs. This helps to prepare your body for delivery.
- Sit on the edge of a cushion, block, or folded blanket for support. This shall allow your pelvis to tilt forward.
- Put the soles of your feet together.
- Bring feet in toward hips to deepen the stretch.
- Press your lower body into the floor and you lengthen your spine.
- Interlace fingers under your pinky toes or place hands on your ankles or shins.
- Hold this position for up to 1 minute.
- Repeat 2–4 times.
5. Balasana
This pose helps in stretching your shoulders, chest, and lower back. It increases flexibility in your spine, hips, and thighs and is very relaxing.
- Get on your hands and feet.
- Try to touch your big toes together and spread your knees wide.
- Lower your hips back onto your heels.
- Put your arms in front of you.
- Inhale deeply.
- Hold this pose for up to 1 minute.
Warnings to keep in mind
- Make sure to consult your doctor before trying out a new exercise program
- Pay attention to any form of pain or discomfort. It is crucial since during the pregnancy period the body is very fragile.
- Avoid yoga positions that are strenuous and increase the risk of falling sick.
- Don’t hold your breath for long periods.
- Prenatal yoga should be gentle.
Sanatan Yog: Yoga Classes for Pregnant Ladies
Sanatan Yog proclaims unique Yoga classes for pregnant ladies in Pushkar to boost their physical and mental health during this important phase. It is one of the best yoga classes in India. If you’re wondering what advantages you may reap, here are a few advantages Sanatan Yog holds over other yoga classes for pregnant ladies.
- Expert Guidance: The yoga classes are held by professional prenatal yoga teachers. This guarantees that the classes are both safe and appropriate to perform during pregnancy.
- Customized Programs: Since there are pregnant women in all stages of pregnancy, each session involves appropriate props for pregnant women with different body shapes and flexibility.
- Physical Benefits: This activity assists in holding correct postures, building pelvic muscles, boosting the flexibility of muscles, and thereby minimizing some of the pregnancy grievances like backache and swollen feet.
- Mental Relaxation: Yoga and Pranayama techniques also make a regular part of the classes that help to combat stress and anxiety and improve the quality of sleep.
- Birth Preparation: Particular asanas and exercises are introduced to get the body ready for labor and ensure that the body is ready both physically and mentally for labor.
- Community Support: These classes act as a form of women’s support group. Women who are in the same stage of pregnancy can come together and share their experiences which helps in alleviating mental stress.
- Safety First: Every exercise is selected taking into account that the mother and the baby’s positions should not put any pressure on the abdomen.
- Holistic Approach: Sanatan Yog is a unique form of Yoga that focuses on a balanced way of pregnancy by including the physical, emotional as well as spiritual processes of a woman’s body.
In conclusion, prenatal yoga classes for pregnant ladies in the Sanatan Yog yoga classes are completely safe and supportive for pregnant women. Under the supervision of specialists, individual approach, and concentration on the physical and psychological aspects, such classes make preparing for pregnancy and childbearing easy. Using the methods of yoga, Sanatan Yog encourages relaxation, community support, and a comprehensive approach to the well-being of all women, while taking note of their health.