Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Online & Certified


At Sanatan Yog we offer a transformation Prenatal Teacher Yoga Training programs that equips yoga instructors with the expertness to guide expecting mothers safely and efficaciously finished their yoga journey.

How to Do Triangle Pose Trikonasana , Benefits and Steps 


Trikonasana or the Triangle Pose is one of the foundational standing postures in yoga. Derived from the Sanskrit words Trikona triangle and Asana pose this example mimics the shape of a Triangulum and promotes strength, balance and flexibility.

The Best Meditation Classes in Pushkar in 2024

Yoga & Meditation Classes in Pushkar

Yoga and meditation are two forms of practice concerning the body and mind, dating back to ancient forms of existence. Yoga is an ancient Indian practice imitating exercise positions and breathing for flexibility, muscles, and mind over 5000 years ago. It is popular for its effective approach to treating the the health of the body,…